10 settembre 2013


Qui c'è grande attesa per Gravity, una specie di Open Water ambientato nello spazio. I video circolati finora sono fenomenali, e chi lo ha già visto (c'è stata un'anteprima a Venezia) ne parla come di un capolavoro assoluto. (Dare un'occhiata alle recensioni su Rotten Tomatoes: al momento, positive al 100%.)

Unica voce contraria, per ora, quella di un tecnico delle missioni Shuttle:
I usually try not to nitpick space movies, because they are entertainment, not documentaries, but when folks start heaping praise on a movie as the best space movie or most realistic, I feel the need to chime in.

In the first trailer for Gravity, the relative motion appears wrong based on my experience of flying the shuttle in Mission Control for 11 years. I worked here at the Johnson Space Center as a Guidance, Navigation and Control Officer (making sure the shuttle knew where it was, where it was going and how it was going to get there) as well as the Mission Ops liaison to the Orbiter Project (making sure the guys who were responsible for the shuttle hardware knew what the operations team was doing).
Lo ammetto: la spiegazione completa è troppo nerd persino per me.
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